Farm Lunch Table
Volunteer Home Chefs & Food Delivery Wanted:
Please Feed Us Farmers!
We know this is counterintuitive but organizing a “family meal” for the crew is one of the toughest challenges we face this year and is one of the few ways we can accept and receive volunteer support from our community. We’re utilizing MealTrain.com to organize a Family Meal Lunch once a week on Wednesdays throughout the season with options to help us out from near or far: (1)Home Cooking and Delivering a meal to the crew yourself, (2)ordering from restaurants and delivering to the crew, or (3)you can donate to our Farmer Lunch Fund and buy lunch for your local farmer!
A little more context: Why is it so hard to feed us farmers? Well, as tenant farmers we don’t have control of our shared facilities and storage space. This means we have very limited pantry space, no additional refrigeration, and frankly- no farm kitchen to cook or reheat or prep in nor do we have the authority to install said needs. Shocking, I KNOW!
This year we decided to designate our spare picnic table as a FARMER LUNCH TABLE where food deliveries can be stashed safely, and close to our break station in the field. So THANK YOU for taking time out of your day to feed the hungry, dirty, beautiful farmers a healthy, delicious meal and give them a proper rest for their mid day meal instead of scrambling to find food! They are not picky eaters and suggestions and preferences are listed in our MealTrain profile. Click below to get started!
Driving Directions : to the Farmer Lunch Table