Revitalizing Culture & Community
About The Name
x̌ast sq̓it (hast squeit) translates to Good Rain in the traditional language of the sngaytskstx (Sinixt) the Arrow Lakes Peoples. Farm Founder Michelle is of Sinixt ancestry. The farm is located on the rainy, foggy, grey west side of the Cascades. x̌ast sq̓it Farm believes that through connection to a place we can rebuild a culture of respect, honor, gratitude and reciprocity.
The Farm has always held food sovereignty, empowerment, concern for community and honorable stewardship of the land as its founding principles. At x̌ast sq̓it Farm we explore our relationship with this land, we decolonize and question our notions of ‘food” and ‘nourishment’. The farm celebrates our diversity and highlights the endangered Sinixt language, a cousin to all the Salish tribes of the Pacific Northwest. This language so muddied by Chinook Jargon and often used so casually that residents of the PNW forget that some common day words and names are remnants of a displaced people. We begin conversation, build awareness, and look forward to a Good Rain that will feed our ecosystems, community and self.